Rotary Club Almaty: change of milestones

7 September 2022

Rotary Club Almaty: change of milestones
1 - we announce the "Change of Wheels". Every year, on July 1, Rotary holds a change of president and board. The update wheel scrolls strictly in a cycle.
As of July 1, RCA has a new president and board.
2 - Meet the new RCA team led by 2022-2023 President Altynai Beisembieva , a philanthropist and entrepreneur with a great contribution to the prosperity of the Rotarian community, our Club and the city.
Altynai is past president 2019-2020, permanent member of the RCA Board, rotarian with 11 years of experience, whose presidency was distinguished by high efficiency, serious scale and sustainability of the completed projects:
• assistance to the correctional nursery-garden No. 2 for children with intellectual disabilities in equipping with special teaching aids, equipment and educational materials;
• donation of a new reanimobile with advanced medical equipment to the Talgar Central District Hospital;
• Ken Zhurek project in support of children with epilepsy.
Meet the new Board and officers of the Club:
Vitaliy Koltochnik - Secretary  Chairman of the PR Committee;
Marina Sabitova - Vice-President/Chairman of the Membership Committee;
Natalia Drobysheva - Treasurer;
Amir Kabulov - head of the Fontana project
3 – Announce the end of the holidays and the opening of the new season of Rotary Ministry.
Let's summarize last year before we dwell on the prospects:
• We have restored the activity of the Club, which was seriously affected during the pandemic period.
• Many new faces who share Rotarian values and priorities have been adopted.
• Resumed Rotary contacts with foreign clubs, returned to full-fledged offline communication.
• Revived cooperation with the Rotary Foundation on global grants for the most sensitive area of our society – children's health.
• Held for Kazakhstani students the second festival RYLA (Rotary Awards for Youth Leaders) on the basis of SDU University on transformational methodology.
Now for the plans for the current Rotary year:
118th for Rotary International and 28th for Rotary Club Almaty!
Our new slogan Imagine Rotary – Imagine RotaryMagic Rotary.
Magic is in the beauty, scale and feasibility of the plan.
We are launching 4 key presidential initiatives in the main areas of the world Rotary:
Environmental safety and access to drinking water
• We will give our beloved city, which suffered in the tragic January, a system of drinking fountains with an additional option of a drinking bottle for pets;
• And we will erect a new Main Fountain of the southern capital in the image and likeness of the Roman Fountain de Trevi. And our Fountain will combine national symbols with the emblem of Rotary. There will be 28 fountains in honor of the 28th anniversary of the Club.
Public health and protection of motherhood and childhood
We are talking about projects in support of children's health:
• Ken-Zhurek – assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of children suffering from epilepsy;
• Rotary incubator - providing needy hospitals in the Almaty agglomeration with incubators for premature babies;
• Targeted equipping of hospitals with cardiac equipment for children for post-Covid (and not only) recovery.
Revival and development of the Rotarian Youth Movement.
• The Club plans to recreate Rotaract clubs for students and Interact clubs for teenagers and schoolchildren (Rotaract & Interact in Kazakhstan);
• Revival of the practice of Rotary exchanges and scholarships, intercountry committees.
Support for local culture, economy and education
• Revival of the Vienna Balls in Almaty;
• Partnership projects with major patrons and philanthropists from Kazakhstan, near and far abroad, invitation of prominent guest speakers;
• Establishment of strategic partnership with akimats of Almaty, agglomeration and other regions involved in the orbit of Rotary patronage.
RCA is starting a new era! Stay tuned!

President of RCA 2022-2023