Rotaract Nauryz Forum: Day Two

25 March 2023

On March 25, Rotary and Rotaract in Almaty and Moscow visited a festive meeting with the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) and its Chairman Gareth Stump as part of the intercountry Nauryz Rotarac Forum Kz - Ru, who presented his unique illustrative works to the guests.

Dear Gareth is also one of the founders of the Rotary Club of Astana and was elected president of the capital's Rotary Club three times.

One day, a Rotarian remains so forever.

Executive Director of ECG (London) Tain Kaunis spoke about what the Guild is and what its main mission is. The secret especially emphasized that the Guild is primarily a networking platform, the purpose of which is to help creative people find like-minded people and partners: it is the environment that largely affects the success of each of us. The level of the Guild is indicative: from Buckingham Palace came a letter of thanks to the authors of the collection "Thread-6", dedicated to Elizabeth II. Other projects of the Guild were also touched upon, in which you can still have time to take part in 2023. The art catalogue "The Great Steppe Treasury" was announced, which is already in print and will be sent to 10 leading art galleries in London. In the autumn of 2023, 2 festivals are planned: "Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art" and the Burabay International Short Film Festival (BISFF). It is worth noting that the presentation of OCA MAGAZINE aroused great interest, especially the special issue of OCA Education dedicated to education.

The Delegation of Rotary was quite impressive - Vitaly Koltochnik (Secretary/President-Elect of the RCA), RCA members Stepan Shramko and Zhanna Isingarina, Zhangir and Aliya Tuyakov (Rotaract Almaty), Natalia Larina and Dmitry Lugovoi (Saratov Center), Ekaterina Zotova (member of the Rotary Club Moscow-East), Dmitry Brovkin (President of Rotaract, Moscow-East).

We were very happy to communicate with the best creative people of the country involved in the wonderful projects of the Guild