Kazakh-Indian friendship in Rotary clubs

5 November 2022

On November 5, our club was visited by a delegation from fraternal India.

Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Chennai Chola, located in the southern state of Tamil Nadu:

1. Anandan N (paste president),

2. Dayalan V (Rotary Foundation),

3 . Krishnakumar K,

4. Chandrasekar,

5. Ravichandran

in a friendly atmosphere, they told us about their team, projects and possible joint actions.

RC Chennai Chola established in 2014, has 46 members, specializes in projects to combat hunger and post-Covid. For 8 years of its work, the Club has disbursed $ 10 million under global grant programs to support infrastructure projects in India and neighboring countries.

A decent scope, there is something that Kazakhstani Rotarians are striving for.

We, in turn, told our Indian colleagues about the key projects of the RCA - the Fountains of Almaty, the Weight of Life, the help of post-Covid medicine and the creation of the Youth Rotarian Center on the basis of Depo Evolution Park.

In conclusion, official. pennants and symbolic gifts were exchanged

We continue the course towards global networking, dear friends. Stay with us, we will introduce you further to rotary clubs from all over the world!

RCA was represented by Altynai Beisembiyeva (President), Vitaly Koltochnik (Secretary), Stepan Shramko (Rotaract Curator), Maxim Ivanchenko (guest from the Rotary Club Kazan-Volga)