Equipment for air purification in operating...

The largest project in terms of the amount of money spent within the framework of the common platform "Clean Air of Almaty" was the equipment of the operating rooms of the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital "Aksai".
After the great success of the Vienna Rotary Ball 2014, we managed to raise enough funds to purchase professional air purification equipment and solve the problem of its quality in the operating rooms. Unfortunately, before our project, the condition of the operating rooms in the Aksai clinic was sad - they did not have not only air cleaning devices, but even air conditioners. Surgeons had to perform operations in stuffiness even in the summer heat.
But the most dangerous side effect was postoperative infectious diseases caused by the unfavorable state of the air in the operating rooms, from which child patients often developed severe, life-threatening complications.

We were very pleased to learn that immediately after the installation of the equipment, which was produced by the specialists of the company "Tenre-Aerolife", the number of post-operating complications from air quality decreased to almost zero.