Patronage, cultural cooperation and social lift...

8 December 2022

RCA Meeting 08 Dec. focused on intercultural dialogue, rotary support for health care and building bridges between global youth leadership structures - Rotaract and AIESEC

At the charity evening of the Rotary Club of Almaty, we met

  • with art entrepreneurs from the Russian Federation and philanthropists Andrey Khlus and Valikhan Moldabekov,
  • Head of RAESCO - Association of Energy Service Companies of the Russian Federation - Karen Ter-Oganov,
  • developer of mobile applications from St. Petersburg (Top House) - Anton Andreev,
  • radiologist and medical start-up from Yakutsk - Leonid Klarov,
  • Managing Director of UDI Kazakhstan Holding, Rich Aroma Kazakhstan, Crypto Enthusiast, Vice-President of the Taekwondo Association of Astana - Alexander Merlin,
  • Chapters. Doctor of the Mental Health Center of Almaty - Sapar Rakhmensheev,
  • leaders of the student global organization AIESEC in Almaty - WithAbina Akhmetova and Ksenia Vasyutina.

They discussed the unique work of the Italian architect Marco Bravura, who creates masterpieces from mosaics around the world and the author of the magical fountains of Beirut and Ravenna. For our project of the year Almaty Fountains is a very tempting area of cooperation.

We got acquainted with the international student association AIESEC - the de facto sister city of Rotarakta. In 2.5 minutes, Sabina Akhmetov, President-Elect of the Almaty Office of Ice Checkers, told us about the huge contribution of AIESEC to the formation of leadership, volunteering and educational exchanges for students around the world.

It can be said that AIESEC is rotary-run RYLA non-stop.

We believe that Rotary's structure for youth affairs - Interact (schools), Rotaract (students and working youth) - Rotary fits perfectly into AIESEC graduates who can find their place in Rotaract for a phased transition to the mature stage of Rotarians.

President of the Rotaract Club of Almaty Zhangir Tuyakov spoke in detail about the actions planned by the revived rotarators for pupils of orphanages and registration on the platform.

We got acquainted with the problematic aspects in the work of the city Mental Health Center in pursuance of the Memorandum with the Almaty City Health Department. Sapar Kuttybayevich showed us a short fragment of a film about what serious potential for social adaptation of patients of the Mental Health Center remains untapped and what socially responsible businessmen and patrons of the arts can do to correct the situation.

We learned about a very advanced and promising startup from Yakutia RERAD - uniting radiologists and neurologists from around the world on a single digital platform for consultations and mentoring. Thanks to my friend Rotary from Yakutia Leonid Klarov.

We discussed intercountry cooperation between Rotary Clubs KZ, Russia and Spain.

With us were our Russian Rotarians - Dmitry Lugovoi and Natalia Larina (RK Saratov-Center), Ayaal Eginov (RK Yakutsk) and Maxim Ivanchenko (RK Kazan-Volga).

The RCA team was represented for you by RCA President Altynai Beisembieva,

Members of the Management Board Vitaly Koltochnik, MArina Sabitova and Natalia Drobysheva,

Rotarians Stepan Shramko, Maral Tompiev, Zhangir Tuyakov.

Such was for us this unforgettable evening of December 8