Nauryz in Rotarian style: updating rows,...

24 March 2022

Rotary Symbolism of Nauryz: Renovation, Projects and Dastarkhan
On March 24, our Rotary Club almaty celebrated Nauryz in a chamber, almost family atmosphere - Madina Kosai, Aida Alzhanova, Vitaly Koltochnik, Evgeny Mukhamedzhanov, guests and speakers with traditional dastarkhan and baursaks.
At the beginning of the meeting, we discussed the core values of Rotarianism – such as global citizenship in conjunction with the need to help and support the local community and your country.
The main event was the reception of a new member of the club. Elizaveta Vorobyeva, a bright representative of social entrepreneurship, joined the ranks of Rotarians. In its background, the unique project WUNDER academy is the first inclusive school in Kazakhstan, where special (30%) and ordinary children (70%) study together.
All teachers have undergone special inclusive training and built a personal learning trajectory for each child. Particular attention is paid to the socio-emotional intelligence of schoolchildren and their mental correction.
Instead of traditional classes, training takes place in the workshops of success, allowing you to maximize the potential of children.
Elizabeth makes a worthy contribution to the development of domestic tourism and ethnographic education. The WUNDER camp project is the organization of local history trips and archaeological expeditions in a family format. It is no coincidence that both projects are united by the word Miracle both at the level of the brand and in their real practical meaning for New Kazakhstan. We are very happy to update the club.
The meeting was also attended by wonderful guests - Balkiya Mukhamedzhanova - Kazakhstani artist and sculptor,
Marzhan Sadykova is a well-known financier, EBRD coach and philanthropist. She told as a speaker about the history of Nauryz, highlighting little-known facts from the history of this ancient holiday. For example, about the Zoroastrian past of Nauryz, in which it was called Nooruz - "Sip of the first day of the new year" and with him began the long path of mankind to monotheism.
Saida Taukeleva is a volunteer, trustee of the public social fund "Kazakhstan Khalkyna", president of the NGO "Public Control and Monitoring", co-founder of "I am an Almaty resident".
She shared her experience of public control in the healthcare sector.
Evgeny Mukhamedzhanov in the context of the new global priority of Rotary International - Environmental Safety (Protect the environment) spoke about the green school project - an interactive program for schoolchildren, in a game and project form involving children and adolescents in the study of environmental issues, developing environmental habits, skills of reasonable consumption, careful attitude to resources and competent waste management.
The strategic meaning is to turn the country's schools into hubs of green economy, culture and education in a single spirit of environmental friendliness. Schools will be equipped with physical infrastructure - ecoboxes for separate collection, and provided with a system for the removal of collected waste, and a software platform in the form of a mobile application with an internal digital currency (ecocoins). Well, the Rotary Club of Almaty has always gravitated towards the environmental agenda – for example, under our auspices, the Clean Air project was carried out, when Rotarians equipped a special room ("asthma schools") in the Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 2 in 2013.
Among the projects discussed at the meeting were the Global grant - to help the needy hospitals of the city and the Almaty agglomeration, the upcoming project of the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) - a training course for conscious and active youth on the development of professional and leadership qualities.
Finally, the Rotary Peace Center: Rotary awards up to 130 scholarships annually to dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of the Rotary Peace Centers.
Such a past interesting and productive meeting, however, as always!
All with Nauryz!