Rotary Club Almaty: Star status received!

20 May 2022

First Rotary Club almaty: Star status received!

Rotary Club Almaty for the first time in 27 years of existence was awarded the title of Star Club at the conference of presidents of Rotary International in Alanya Turkey (district 2430).

We are pleased to inform you, dear friends, that our Club was awarded 10 honorary awards in 10 nominations during the Rotary Leadership Conference on May 14-16, 2022. It was a quantum breakthrough, behind which stand the fate of thousands of Kazakhstanis, who received the full support of our Rotarians in difficult times.

The meeting on May 19 was held in an informal festive format in a cozy café of the Distillery by Ata with the participation of many guests and sponsors of the Club.

So, we present to your attention the club awards that were presented by its leader:

  1. For merits in serving people (on the account of Rotary Club Almaty hundreds of significant projects, on a national scale during its existence)!
  2. As the fastest growing club – only 2 clubs in the district have been awarded this honor out of 144!
  3. For high achievements.
  4. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award)!
  5. Global Grant – incubators-incubators for premature babies of the Ili Regional Hospital.
  6. Community service.
  7. Social recognition and public relations - our club does everything to fully inform the public about its activities.
  8. Support for young people – we have begun to revive the Rotaract Club.
  9. President's Award (for the effective organization of the Rotarian community).
  10. And the top award in all nominations is Star-club (statuette with emblem), the apogee of recognition of the achievements of our club in all directions!

Our honorable guests participated in the festive event:

The leaders of the Rotary Center in Saratov (Russia) are spouses Natalia Larina (President of the Club) and Dmitry Lugovoi (Treasurer of the Club), who came to Kazakhstan on the expansion of Rotarian interaction and business development. In the Russian Federation, there is a fairly powerful Rotary community - 80 clubs and an independent district No. 2220. The first three Rotary clubs were established in 1990 in Moscow, Leningrad and Irkutsk. Now there are 81 clubs in Russia - 54 in the European part, and 27 clubs in Siberia and the Far East.

This is the first contact with Russian Rotarians in recent years – we exchanged flags in a solemn atmosphere.

Also, the festive dastarkhan was shared with us:

Zhanna Omasheva – founder of the French beauty salon Frank Provost, sponsor of the project to help children with epileptics Ken Zurek;

Olga Zhumaeva – wife of the icon of Kazakhstani mountaineering Maksut Zhumaeva, candidate member of the Club;

Anvar Aldashev is an entrepreneur and media expert, the founder of the country's first digital democracy platform (android/ios mobile application) and the owner of the Fifth Region portal, which covers the life of the Almaty region.

Arailym Kirgizbekova – educator, business coach, EBRD mentor, founder of the Britannica kindergarten;

Muratzhan Saktaganov is an oncologist-mammologist, a volunteer of the SOS Working Group during Covid-19.

In the warmest and most cheerful atmosphere, we discussed the path we had traveled, the Rotary values of service, cooperation and complete transparency, making sure again that Rotary is a big family of like-minded people.

From Rotary with you were Madina Kosai, Aigul Kasymova, Meruert Mamatova, Vitaly Koltochnik, Elizaveta Vorobyeva, Zhanara Bekembai and Marzhan Sadykova.

Everyone was presented with memorable gifts from the conference in Alanya. Gain altitude. Thank you for your support!