Introduction to the Eurasian Creative Guild

17 October 2022

Today is Oct. 17. The Club team met with the leaders of the unique organization Eurasian Creative Guild (ECG) to support creative people in 72 countries of the world - the Eurasian Creative Guild London.

ECG Chairman Gareth Stamp and Coordinator Vitalina Golovach detailed the mission and history of their movement. Acts as a single platform for the consolidation of creative people from all over the world - now 72 countries! All spheres of art and creative industries are presented here, a meeting place, a meeting place, discussion of works, projects at creative meetings in different countries. ECG contributes to the formation of a common Eurasian cultural space (not to be confused with the EAEU).

I am glad that the largest number of members of the Guild is in KZ, our countrymen are more than 200 here! The Guild unites writers, musicians, dancers, illustrators, graphic designers, sculptors, poets, as well as anyone who considers themselves a creative person. ECG for independent creators is the "elixir of moving towards popularity".

Plus, there is an option for corporate membership - includes NGOs, media, universities, embassies - for example, the BBC, the American University of Central Asia, etc.

In Almaty, under the auspices of ECG, a theater festival was held with a musical presentation of the Melbourne Theater (Australia). The Guild is also the organizer of the International Festival of Poetry and Visual Arts in Borovoye. In the

The Rotary movement and ECG have a common approach to their work – service. Rotary - to the whole society, the Guild - to the creative class of the Eurasian continent. It is doubly pleasant that

Gareth Stump is a Rotarian with a long experience - three times he headed the Rotary Club of Astana.

Long live cooperation and friendship! A start has been made!

With you were rotarians of Almaty - Altynai Beisembiyeva, Vitaliy Koltochnik, Amir Kabulov

and Ayaal Yeghinov (Rotary Yakutsk)