Rtveli Holiday 2012

15 September 2012

On September 15, 2012, the public organization Rotary Club Almaty with the support of the Georgian Embassy in Kazakhstan, with the personal assistance of Ambassador David Mumladze, sponsoring companies and Kazakhstani musicians gathered all lovers of Georgia, its traditions and culture in the garden of the Intercontinental Hotel. This event  was organized under the flags of Kazakhstan and Georgia in honor of a special period - the grape harvest season in Georgia. This charity event was dedicated to raising funds in support of the project "Clean Air of Almaty".

The new charity platform of the Rotary Club of Almaty "All Together!" and  thematic evenings dedicated to different countries of the world are designed to unite intelligent, professional people of music and business who are not indifferent to the  problems of their beloved city. Past events dedicated to France, Great Britain, America, were a great success and were remembered for a long time by everyone who visited them. Business representatives from different countries united by the importance of this new project and through the music, culture and traditions of the countries tried to show their  attitude to Kazakhstan and Almaty - the place where they live and work.

The program of the Georgian evening was filled with the aroma of this historically rich country: excellent Georgian cuisine, heart-warming music performed by famous musicians from Tbilisi, legendary Georgian wine, jokes and toasts.  The guests of the evening took part in a traditional Georgian feast and a charity lottery, received a unique experience and crushed grapes with their feet in a large wooden barrel, as is done in Georgia when making wine.

Every year Rotary Club organizes important social projects for the city and its citizens. Among them are assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a project to supply drinking water to children's educational institutions, assistance to orphanages and shelters, hospitals and the elderly. Very soon, 28 new bicycle parking lots that are so necessary for our city will be installed in support of the Clean Air almaty project.

The main sponsors of the Georgian evening were: TBILVINO, Georgian Gift company, AIR ASTANA, Tiflis restaurant, IDS Borjomi Georgia, Intercontinental hotel.